Monday, August 31, 2009

I Love You

I was a 17 years years old teenage girl back then. And i never fall in love with anyone seriously even when i was in high school. I was quite nerdy and live in my own world. Until i discover the real world. It started when i went to Labuan Matriculation College to further my study after SPM. There, i met my first love.

We met at a camping programme. We were very happy for making a friendship bond. We sms each other quite alot but rarely meet. It is because my course was life science while his course was physical science. So, the coincident for us to meet is low. Luckily we met at Pulau Penyu for that torturing camping days..

One day, he said "I love You". It made me feel like the world is changing and i was so touched. I cried. I cried because i was very happy that finally, a guy confessed he loved me for the first time ever, in my life...

It's one of the sweetest memory in my life that i will always keep. =)

Twin Baby Boys Laughing at Each Other-Sign of Happiness

If you are happy

"A Short Story About The Secret To Happiness"

Once , a young orphan girl, despondent and lonely, walked through a meadow and saw a small butterfly caught in a thorn bush. the more the butterfly struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into it's fragile body.
Filled with compassion, the girl released the butterfly. But, instead of flying away, the butterfly transformed into an angel and said gently, "To reward you for your kindness, I will do whatever you like."
The girl thought for a moment, then replied, "I want to be happy!"
"Very well," the angel said. Then the heavenly creature leaned close to the girl and whispered something in her ear.
Many years later, as the orphan lay on her deathbed after a full and happy life, her friends gathered around her. "Won't you tell us your secret now," they pleaded. With a labored smile, the woman answered,"An angel told me that no matter where I went in life, I would find people who needed me-- people rich or poor, young or old, meek or self assured-- and meeting those needs would bring me happiness and satisfaction."

Happiness is Bliss

is bliss

is when you get a new puppy
is when you get married
is when you go on you first date
is making your own decisions
is graduating
is getting you first job
is falling in love
is being proud of who you are

is bliss

is glowing
is fun
is an amazing feeling
is when you smile all day
is giving someone a hug just because you can
is that light in your eyes
is what makes the world go around

is bliss

Friday, August 28, 2009


Ketawa merupakan ubat kepada kesedihan. Dalam senyuman terdapat kekuatan yang menakjubkan dalam membuatkan jiwa gembira dan menyenangkan hati. Bahkan Abu Darda' pernah berkata. "Sesungguhnya aku akan ketawa untuk membahagiakan hatiku." Dan Rasulullah sendiri pernah ketawa sehingga menampakkan gigi gerahamnya. Begitulah ketawa orang yang berakal cerdas yang membawa kesan positif bagi jiwa dan menjadi penawar kepada jiwa yang resah.

ketawa merupakan puncak kegembiraan, keceriaan, dan keriangan asalkan ianya tidak berlebihan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk mengejek atau mencemuh seperti dalam pepetah Arab:

"Jangan terlalu banyak ketawa, kerana terlalu banyak ketawa akan mematikan hati"

Ketawalah sewajarnya seperti juga pepatah:

" Senyum ketika bertemu saudaramu bernilai sedekah"

Orang Arab suka memuji orang yang murah dengan senyuman dan selalu nampak ceria. Menurut mereka, perangai sedemikian merupakan tanda kelapangan dada, kemurah hatian, kedermawanan, kemuliaan dan kesejukan hati. Islam mengajar kita supaya menampilkan wajah yang tenang, selalu berseri dan manis dipandang sehingga menyenangkan orang lain. Abu Tamam berkata:

" Jiwaku penebus Abu Ali

Dialah fajar harapan dan bintang renungan

Kejenakaannya mampu membangkitkan semangat

Bahkan terkadang dia mampu membuatkan orang

Yang sebelumnya tadak pernah merasakan tenang

Menjadi riang gembira"

Sesungghunya kita sangat memerlukan kepada senyuman, wajah yang ceria, hati yang lapang, akhlak yang menawan, jiwa yang lembut dan keramahan.

Petikan dari buku La Tahzan

Karya Dr 'Aidh Abdullah Al Qarni

Sunday, August 23, 2009

10 makanan hapuskan "bad-mood"

1. Ikan

Pengkaji dari Universiti Havard mendapati kandungan asam lemak Omega-3 yang ada dalam makanan laut dapat meningkatkan zat anti depresi dalam serum darah sehingga buatkan kita lebih rileks.

2. Pisang

Zat alkaloid, vitamin B6 dan zat tryptophan yang terkandung dalam pisang membantu tubuh dalam memproduksi serum darah lebih banyak. Ia juga mengenyangkan.

3. Bayam

Asid folik yang tinggi dalam bayam mampu menghalau rasa terterkan yang bersarang dalam tubuh.

4. Anggur

Cukup kaya dengan vitamin C yang merangsang produksi adrenalin seterusnya melepskan semua tekanan yang ada.

5. Ceri

di sesetengan negara barat, ceri dianggap sebagi aspirin alam kerana ia mengandungi zat yang dipanggil anthocyanin. Ia berfungsi menyeimbangkan suasana hati dan menghasilkan perasaan gembira

6. Bawang putih

Mungkin tidak menjadi pilihan ramai tetapi, para ilmuwan dari Jerman membuktikan selepas memakan bawsang putih, mereka yang gugup atau tertekan akan menjadi lebih tenang.

7. Buah labu

Alasannya kerana buah labu kaya vitamin B6 dan zat besi yang mengubah gula darah menjadi dextrose yang dapat merangsang perasaan senang dan gembira pada otak kita.

8. Susu rendah lemak

Ia sangat sesuai bagi mereka yang sering menggelabah

9. Daging ayam

Selenium yang banyak terkandung dalam daging ayam adalah zat yang dapat membantu mengatur mood seseorang.

10. Roti gandum

Kandungan karbohidrat kompleks mampu meningkatkan serum darah dalam tubuh dan meningkatkan zat anti depresi yang memberi ketenangan.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How to be Happy

How to be happy???????

Be grateful.
Say thank you when you should-it's a part of being grateful.. saying it will make the person who hear it feel happy and so do the person who says it sincerily. Plus, gratefulness is also a key to satisfaction and feeling satisfied can make you feel happy.

Constant religious connection. For inner peace, praying is a good way and peacefulness is also a part of happiness.

Laugh everyday. Laughter is the best medicine! =D

Learn to express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations as this is bad for your health. Find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.

Whenever you feel disgruntled or unhappy over certain matters, or feels that life is unfair to you, learn to count your blessings. There are many more unfortunate people who are much worse off than you in this world.

Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in completing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary, as they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel are worthy of your time.

Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.

Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons and could also give us more opportunities in the future.

These are just some of the things you can do everyday to be happy.

Abraham Lincoln:

"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Effects of Happiness

According to lots of studies by researches around the world, happiness can lead to many positive effects on every person.

Effects of Happiness:

  • It can make a person have a definite good mood.
  • It can help to make a person feel stressless.
  • It can help in making and maintaining good relationship.
  • It can help to gain success.For example, when you love your job, you'll be happy with it. success will come to you! =)
  • It can improves health.

O yeah, happiness can lenghten life!
ScienceDaily (Aug. 5, 2008) — Happiness does not heal, but happiness protects against falling ill. As a result, happy people live longer. The size of the effect on longevity is comparable to that of smoking or not.

and of course, it will develop happy faces... =)

Causes of Happiness

What causes happiness?

This question was answered in a new psychology study that showed life experiences rather than material possessions led to greater happiness.

other than that, happiness is also caused of:

  • getting what we want
  • self pride at reaching goals
  • amazed by new things
  • humor
  • making others happy
  • being loved and appreciated
  • looking forward to events and things

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happiness Quotes

Albert Schweitzer:

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.


Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient.

Bertrand Russell:

To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.

Franklin D. Roosevelt:

Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.

George Sand:

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

George Burns:

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

James Oppenheim:

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.

Thich Nhat Hanh:

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

So people... don't worry, be happy!


Meaning of Happiness =)

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, happiness is:

A state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.

Signs of Happiness:
-Smiling face
-Expressive words that showed happiness

By the way, who do not want to be happy? everybody want to be happy! yeah!

Happy watching: