Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hiburlah diri anda dengan bencana yang menimpa orang lain
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menghancurkan negeri-negeri yang ada di sekitar kalian.
Contoh yang paling ketara adalah keluarga Al-Baramikah, sebuah keluarga kaya, yang suka berfoya-foya, dan bergelumbang kenikmatan. Bencana yang menimpa mereka adalah sebuah pelajaran, nasihat dan contoh. Hanya dalam waktu sehari, Harun Ar-Rasyid berjaya menggulingkan mereka. Mereka lalai, mereka tidur nyenyak di dalam selimut-selimut kenikmatan, dan bersenang-senang dalam taman-taman kemewahan.
Tiba-tiba pada suatu pagi, rumah mereka diruntuhkan, istana mereka dihancurkan, semua yang melindungi mereka ditewaskan, justeru oleh tangan yang sangat dekat dengan mereka. Semua hamba milik mereka, dirampas, darah mereka ditumpahkan, dan mereka menjadi orang yang dibinasakan. Dengan bencana itu, semua orang mereka cintai juga harus terluka hatinya. Sungguh tidak ada Tuhan lain selain Allah. Tidak terhitung kenikmatan yang telah dirampas, dan tidak terhitung pelajaran yang harus ditebus dengan darah.
Seorang penyair mengatakan:
Beginilah musibah besar atau lainnya
bila datang menimpa
dan seperti itulah
kejayaan suatu negeri dihancurkan.
Bertahun-tahun mereka terbuai dalam kesenangan, terbuai oleh hati yang senang, dan mengabaikan hari-hari yang terus berlalu.
Seorang lagi penyair mengatakan:
Bendera telah berkibar di atas kepala mereka
Bala tentera pun
telah berbaris siaga di sekeliling mereka
Seakan-akan tidak ada manusia
antara Hajun sampai ke Shafa
dan di Makkah
seakan-akan tidak ada lagi orang yang berjaga malam
Hidup ini bukan untuk bersedih
Jangan bersedih! Sesungguhnya rasa sedih akan selalu mengganggumu dengan kenangan masa lalu, akan membuatmu khuatir dengan segala kemungkinan di masa akan datang, dan akan menyia-nyiakan kesempatanmu pada hari ini.
Jangan bersedih! Sesungguhnya rasa sedih hanya akan membuat hati menjadi kecut, wajah menjadi muram, semangat akan padam, dan harapan akan menghilang.
Jangan bersedih. Sebab kesedihan hanya akan membuat musuh gembira, membuat kawan bersedih, membuat orang yang mendengki senang, dan membuat hakikat-hakikat yang ada berubah.
Jangan bersedih! Sesungguhnya rasa sedih sama dengan menentang qadha, dan menyesali sesuatu yang pasti, jauh dari sikap lembut, dan benci terhadap nikmat.
Jangan bersedih! Sesungguhnya rasa sedih tidak akan pernah mengembalikan sesuatu yang hilang dan semua yang telah pergi, tidak akan membangkitkan orang yang telah mati, tidak mampu menolak takdir, dan mendatangkan manfaat.
Jangan bersedih!Sesungguhnya rasa sedih itu datangnya dari syaitan, dan kesedihan itu adalah rasa putus asa yang menakutkan, kefakiran yang menimpa, putus asa yang berlanjutan, depresi yang harus dihadapi, dan kegagalan yang menyakitkan.
- Carilah kebahagiaan dalam diri sendiri, bukan di sekitar dan di luar diri anda-
Al- Mutanabbi berkata:
Orang yang beraqal
hidup susah dalam kenikmatan kerana aqalnya.
Sementara orang yang bodoh dalam kesulitan
ia berbahagia.
A boy made happy
A badly cut finger or a broken ankle. Sometimes even a hurt, deep inside from a word spoken in anger.
When the night sneaks upon them, children lay in bed with the blankets tightly up around their chins. The shadows on the edge of the ceiling make them slide deeper under the covers.
One of these young children is a boy who is a real scaredy-cat. Matt is ten years old and always nervous about something. And tonight is no exception. That's why his mother left the light on in the hallway. To frighten away strange noises.
But that's not all that's wrong with Matt. He is also very unhappy. In the daytime he watches everyone pass by.
He notices adults carry their briefcases on their way to work. He even worries about how hard they have to work.
He sees ladies holding umbrellas in case the rain comes in the afternoon. He thinks a hurricane or a terrible rainstorm might come.
Matt always thinks the worst. He even lingers behind other children on their way to school. Some play friendly tricks on each other and tease and holler in loud voices.
Not Matt. He has very few friends. In fact if he had to think very hard he probably wouldn't remember more than two. They live on the other side of Truro. So he's pretty much alone.
Today is very special for Matt. He doesn't realize it but his grandfather is watching him.
He sees Matt go to school and waits for him to come out for lunch. He watches Matt eat by himself on one of the benches in the schoolyard.
It is right near one of Matt's favorite squirrels. A bushy black movement always waits for his friend. Grandfather sees this and is glad. He watches as Matt motions the squirrel to come across the yard and sit with him.
A black blur races toward him. Then jumps up on the bench to take the peanut treat.
Over the next few days grandfather was able to observe the kindness, which Matt had not only for animals but for people as well. When Sally fell off her bike and cut herself, Matt stayed with her until she was fixed up by her mother.
Most of the neighborhood children took part in a Saturday baseball game with their parents.
Matt never played because he thought he was not good enough. He was old enough and big enough but he was too afraid to try. He thought if he ever got up to bat, he would never be able to hit the ball. Then he would let everyone down, and they would laugh at him. And if he hit the ball he would be too slow to run to first base. Or he might miss the ball when it was thrown to him.
Matt was so afraid of making a mistake.
Grandfather knew this and wanted to help Matt.
Matt was watching a few children play ball at Victoria Park. Then grandfather decided to make his appearance. He sat beside Matt and said "Hello." Matt almost fainted. This was a surprise visit.
"Grandpa!" he shouted. His own favourite grandpa from Edmonton, Alberta was here. Right beside him. "I want to see you play ball in Saturday's game," he said.
Grandpa asked Matt what he wanted most and before the answer came from his lips, something mysterious happened. Matt felt so light he wanted to fly. There was a picture in front of his eyes, then another and another. Images and sounds were running through his mind. His whole body felt relaxed. His hands weren't shaking anymore and suddenly he felt an urge to do something.
He could feel it tugging at his arm and sending shivers down his spine. He looked at the baseball game and watched excitedly as someone who looked so much like himself hit the ball and ran to first base.
He watched the rest of the game in amazement as that same boy who looked like his twin did awesome things, wonderful things like he wished he could do.
Matt suddenly awakened from his dream and looking down at his arm saw that grandpa was grasping it firmly.
Grandpa had told him something.
Matt knew he could do it, if he wanted to. He could be that same boy in the dream.
But grandpa said," It was no dream." Then he got to his feet and placing his hand on Matt's shoulder said, "Be happy, grandson. And continue to make others happy."
From that moment on, Matt was never afraid again and he did play in the very next baseball game. And it was just as grandpa had said.
He could do it.
And he did!
7 emosi penganggu kesihatan
Walaubagaimanapun, Ilmu pengubatan alternatif dan holistik telah membahagikan penyebab penyakit kepada tiga golongan besar.
Pertama, penyakit yang datangnya dari luar tubuh, masuk ke badan melalui kulit, lalu menyerang meridian(jalur bujur)tubuh dan selanjutnya menyerang organ dalam. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh angin, dingin, panas, lembab, kering, api serta penyakit menular.
Kedua, penyebab penyakit dari dalam yang berasal dari emosi(perasaan) penderita. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah tujuh jenis emosi iaitu gembira, marah, khuatir, berfikir, sedih, takut dan terkejut.
Ketiga, penyebab penyakit yang tidak termasuk golongan pertama dan kedua. Dalam kelompok ini contohnya kebiasaan hidup yang tidak teratur(makann minum, bekerja, rehat dll), kegiatan bersenggama yang berlebihan sserta luka dan gigitan binatang.
Berikut merupakan penyataan bagaimana emosi GEMBIRA membawa gangguan kepada manusia..
Semua manusia inginkan kegembiraan. Kalau dapat mereka tidak mahu bertemu dengan kesedihan, ketakutan, kekhuatiran, kemarahaan dalam kamus hidup mereka. Akan tetapi sudah menjadi sunnatullah bahawa kejadian di alam ini adalah dalam berpasangan. Bila ada kesedihan, mesti ada kegembiraan.
Gembira adalah tanda fungsi jantung dalam keadaan normal. Ini bererti darah, kelenjar limpa dan aliran tenaga berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. Manifestasinya badan sihat. Namun bila kegembiraan melebihi had, perjalanan tenaga dalam tubuh akan bergolak dan tersebar sehingga semangat yang tersimpan di jantung akan bergolak juga. Pada saat gembira, aliran tenaga akan menjadi perlahan.
Banyak contoh yang menunjukkan terlalu gembira akan mengakibatkan bencana pada diri seseorang. Mungkin anda pernah mendengar cerita dimana seorang ayah meninggal dunia kerana terlalu gembira apabila mendapat khabar bahawa anaknya dapat melanjutkan pelajaran ke luar negara. Pada hal dia tidak menyangka sedemikian.
Ini adalah satu fenomena yang menyatakan bahawa sewaktu kegembiraan melonjak, aliran tenaga menjadi terlalu laju dan telah menyebabkan berlakunya kerosakan pada jantung kerana tidak dapat menampung kelajuan tenaga yang datang secara mendadak.
Sebagai kesimpulan, faktor emosi merupakan sesuatu yang perlu diwaspadai. Individu yang mempunyai fikiran yang positif biasanya mempunyai tahap kesihatan yang lebih baik. Oleh itu kendalikanlah perasaan dengan sebaik-baiknya agar anda menjadi seorang individu yang sihat.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I Love You

I was a 17 years years old teenage girl back then. And i never fall in love with anyone seriously even when i was in high school. I was quite nerdy and live in my own world. Until i discover the real world. It started when i went to Labuan Matriculation College to further my study after SPM. There, i met my first love.
We met at a camping programme. We were very happy for making a friendship bond. We sms each other quite alot but rarely meet. It is because my course was life science while his course was physical science. So, the coincident for us to meet is low. Luckily we met at Pulau Penyu for that torturing camping days..
One day, he said "I love You". It made me feel like the world is changing and i was so touched. I cried. I cried because i was very happy that finally, a guy confessed he loved me for the first time ever, in my life...
It's one of the sweetest memory in my life that i will always keep. =)
"A Short Story About The Secret To Happiness"
Filled with compassion, the girl released the butterfly. But, instead of flying away, the butterfly transformed into an angel and said gently, "To reward you for your kindness, I will do whatever you like."
The girl thought for a moment, then replied, "I want to be happy!"
"Very well," the angel said. Then the heavenly creature leaned close to the girl and whispered something in her ear.
Many years later, as the orphan lay on her deathbed after a full and happy life, her friends gathered around her. "Won't you tell us your secret now," they pleaded. With a labored smile, the woman answered,"An angel told me that no matter where I went in life, I would find people who needed me-- people rich or poor, young or old, meek or self assured-- and meeting those needs would bring me happiness and satisfaction."
Happiness is Bliss
is bliss
is when you get a new puppy
is when you get married
is when you go on you first date
is making your own decisions
is graduating
is getting you first job
is falling in love
is being proud of who you are
is bliss
is glowing
is fun
is an amazing feeling
is when you smile all day
is giving someone a hug just because you can
is that light in your eyes
is what makes the world go around
is bliss
Friday, August 28, 2009

"Jangan terlalu banyak ketawa, kerana terlalu banyak ketawa akan mematikan hati"
Sunday, August 23, 2009
10 makanan hapuskan "bad-mood"
Pengkaji dari Universiti Havard mendapati kandungan asam lemak Omega-3 yang ada dalam makanan laut dapat meningkatkan zat anti depresi dalam serum darah sehingga buatkan kita lebih rileks.
2. Pisang
Zat alkaloid, vitamin B6 dan zat tryptophan yang terkandung dalam pisang membantu tubuh dalam memproduksi serum darah lebih banyak. Ia juga mengenyangkan.
3. Bayam
Asid folik yang tinggi dalam bayam mampu menghalau rasa terterkan yang bersarang dalam tubuh.
4. Anggur
Cukup kaya dengan vitamin C yang merangsang produksi adrenalin seterusnya melepskan semua tekanan yang ada.
5. Ceri
di sesetengan negara barat, ceri dianggap sebagi aspirin alam kerana ia mengandungi zat yang dipanggil anthocyanin. Ia berfungsi menyeimbangkan suasana hati dan menghasilkan perasaan gembira
6. Bawang putih
Mungkin tidak menjadi pilihan ramai tetapi, para ilmuwan dari Jerman membuktikan selepas memakan bawsang putih, mereka yang gugup atau tertekan akan menjadi lebih tenang.
7. Buah labu
Alasannya kerana buah labu kaya vitamin B6 dan zat besi yang mengubah gula darah menjadi dextrose yang dapat merangsang perasaan senang dan gembira pada otak kita.
8. Susu rendah lemak
Ia sangat sesuai bagi mereka yang sering menggelabah
9. Daging ayam
Selenium yang banyak terkandung dalam daging ayam adalah zat yang dapat membantu mengatur mood seseorang.
10. Roti gandum
Kandungan karbohidrat kompleks mampu meningkatkan serum darah dalam tubuh dan meningkatkan zat anti depresi yang memberi ketenangan.
Friday, August 21, 2009
How to be Happy

Be grateful. Say thank you when you should-it's a part of being grateful.. saying it will make the person who hear it feel happy and so do the person who says it sincerily. Plus, gratefulness is also a key to satisfaction and feeling satisfied can make you feel happy.
Constant religious connection. For inner peace, praying is a good way and peacefulness is also a part of happiness.
Laugh everyday. Laughter is the best medicine! =D
Learn to express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations as this is bad for your health. Find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to anyone.
Whenever you feel disgruntled or unhappy over certain matters, or feels that life is unfair to you, learn to count your blessings. There are many more unfortunate people who are much worse off than you in this world.
Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of being competent in completing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary, as they give us a sense of value. Work on things that you feel are worthy of your time.
Avoid exposure to negative elements like loud noises, toxins and hazardous places.
Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us expand and broaden our horizons and could also give us more opportunities in the future.
These are just some of the things you can do everyday to be happy.
Abraham Lincoln:
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Effects of Happiness

According to lots of studies by researches around the world, happiness can lead to many positive effects on every person.
Effects of Happiness:
- It can make a person have a definite good mood.
- It can help to make a person feel stressless.
- It can help in making and maintaining good relationship.
- It can help to gain success.For example, when you love your job, you'll be happy with it. success will come to you! =)
- It can improves health.
O yeah, happiness can lenghten life!
ScienceDaily (Aug. 5, 2008) — Happiness does not heal, but happiness protects against falling ill. As a result, happy people live longer. The size of the effect on longevity is comparable to that of smoking or not.
and of course, it will develop happy faces... =)
Causes of Happiness
This question was answered in a new psychology study that showed life experiences rather than material possessions led to greater happiness.
other than that, happiness is also caused of:
- getting what we want
- self pride at reaching goals
- amazed by new things
- humor
- making others happy
- being loved and appreciated
- looking forward to events and things
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happiness Quotes
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient.
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
So people... don't worry, be happy!
Meaning of Happiness =)
A state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.
Signs of Happiness:
-Smiling face
-Expressive words that showed happiness
By the way, who do not want to be happy? everybody want to be happy! yeah!
Happy watching: